foundations intellectual and mental structure of nations andsocieties reflect decreases in the brilliant literary and artistic works . collective unconsciousness is the storage of those feelings and experiences of dignity ages an so those sufferings arise from fears and desires and even unsolved contradictions which we do not want know of it because we afraid of getting defeated; we usually remained it with a nostalgically for we've lost it but constantly feel reviving of it in the nature of people and family kin an live in hope and warmth of it. Collective unconsciousness is not just a negative and archived data but it is an active essence in the deepest layer of people and family kin's thought and always tries to make a way to show itself. Shanama is the essence and the gist of Iranians pure thought that can be representative of humankinds as a whole, because it's concepts originate from myth which is the head-spring of human thoughts and life. In this article we try to consider some concepts of Shahnama according to the Jung's theory that is collective unconsciousness. Shahnama's concepts originate from the myth which is the source of the human thought and life. Its concepts can be read and analyzed in many different aspects. Man's insurrection against despotism like Kavah's rising against despotic Zahhak; Rostam's rebellion against Goshtasp's unreasonable demand and refusing of getting under arresting, again Rostam's worry care about his respect and reputation; justice and fairness or pleading for justice salvation by a heavenly force: Farrah, are some the several concepts which dealt whit in Ferdowsi's Shahnama; and are inspected according to the theory of collective unconsciousness.
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