Guide for Authors

Please read the following before submitting the manuscript:
• Correspondence of the journal in all stages of reviewing articles is done with the corresponding author and through an electronic system.
In the articles derived from a thesis, the supervisor is the corresponding author.
• The corresponding author must be careful of registering the name of the author(s) in the system since there is no possibility of any changes after submitting the manuscript.
• The corresponding author is obliged to sign and submit the conflict of interest form, the authors’ commitment form, and the guarantee of print accuracy.
• Having an ORCID identifier is mandatory for all authors. You can register at:
• please check the status of your article on your page at least once a month. In case of no changes for over a month contact the journal.

New rules for publication in the Journal of History of Literature (from 1401 year onwards)
The History of Literature biannual of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of Shahid Beheshti University is a scientific research journal in the field of Persian language literary studies and research.
Articles in the field of history of literature, ancient literature, textual criticism, and other fields related to Persian language and literature are prioritized. 

Article Acceptance Requirements:
1- General Features
the article must be the result of the author's/authors' research and new points must be brought up.
Any usage of others' ideas must be supplemented with clear references to reliable sources.
The article must not be published in or sent to another journal.
The publication of the article is conditional on the final approval of the editorial board.
The acceptance certificate will be sent to the author's page after the approval of the editor-in-chief in the system.
The author is responsible for the content of the article.
The journal is free in the literary and technical editing of the article according to scientific standards.
The length of the article must not be more than 8500 words
The author's name, academic rank, name of the university in which they teach or have studied, the major they studied, and the corresponding author's academic email and phone number must be included in the journal system.
All authors' information must be included in the form in the system and uploaded in a separate file in the system
the academic rank of the authors who are faculty members as well as the department and the university in which they teach must be determined. Otherwise the title of "student” or “alumnus” should be used in addition to mention of major and university.
Submission of the manuscript is possible only through the system of history of literature:
Reminder: The order of authors’ names and inserting the title of “corresponding author” in the certification of acceptance is based on the information that the corresponding author has entered into the system at the time of submission. Therefore, all authors must have agreed on the order of authors’ names and the selection of corresponding author. There is no possibility of change after the issuance of the certification of acceptance.

2- Article's Sections
the title of the article: must be clear and expressive of its content.
Author(s) Profile
Persian Abstract: 200-250 words at the beginning of the article (font-size: 11) and after that English abstract (also 200-250 words, font-size: 10) containing an overview of the problem, purpose, methodology, and findings.
Keywords: appear at the end of two abstracts (including 5 to 7 specialized words related to the topic of the article and mentioned in the abstract)
Opening Sections: the article must include an introduction, problem statement, research background, theoretical basis, and other relevant information.
The main body of the article: must include data, arguments, analysis, and content segmentation.
Conclusion: must include reasonable and useful findings derived from the research of the article
P.S: contains necessary sub-explanations as well as non-Persian equivalents of idioms and Latin forms of proper nouns.
Sources: at the end of the article and based on the manual of style of the journal resource list.
Acknowledgment to research sponsor or funder (if any)

Editing & Writing Features
Observing the standard Persian language and scientific prose, away from clunky phrases
Observing the orthography of Persian language approved by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature and the orthographic match of spelling of words with the dictionary of Persian orthography by Ali Ashraf Sadeqi and Zahra Zandi Moqadam
Moderate use of approved equivalents by the Academy of Persian language of foreign words based on what is stated on the academy's website.
Being literary and technically edited

Text Setting Method
Set the main title of the article with Bold IRMitra and subheadings in the text with a black 12 font (you can find and download the journal font on Google).
Adjust the text of the article with 12 IRMitra font in the Word.
Set Latin phrases in the text with 10 Times New Roman font and Latin names and terms in the footnote with the same font and font size 8.
The interval between the lines of the text of the article should be considered 1 cm.
Start each paragraph with three-tenths of a centimeter indent. The first row under each headline must not have an indentation.
The margin of the text should be 4.5 cm from the top of the page and three and a half cm from the bottom and from the right and left each 4.5 centimeters;
For the abstract, bibliography, poems as well as tables and diagrams, and descriptions related to them IRMitra's 11 fonts;
Long quotations (more than two lines) in separate paragraphs and indentation of one cm on both sides and set with IRMitra 11 font (needless of quotes).
All sections of the article are numbered.
The subsections of each article should not exceed three layers.
If the article has been financially supported by specific organizations or entities, this should be mentioned in the footnote.
All tables, charts and pictures should be consecutively numbered.
The poems should be set in the table. By using the table tool in the Word, you create a table with three columns and place the first hemistich into the first column and the second in the third column. The middle column is also considered for the distance between the two hemistiches. Then you place the cursor at the end of each hemistich and press the Shift and Enter keys at the same time. Each hemistich should be referenced under the last hemistich.

For titles of books, encyclopedias, and journals, which are in-text references use italic font. But the titles of articles are placed in quotations ("").

Reference to Sources:
Inline Reference
Between two arcs with font size 12 and set as follows: (author's last name, year of publication, volume number: page number)
If the previous source is referred to: (ibid: page number).
If the very page of the previous source is referenced to: (ibid)
If two or more books by an author have been published in a year they are distinguished by A, B…

in the bibliography the list of articles and other works is not separated from the list of books.
Bibliographical information of Persian, Arabic, and Latin sources arranged alphabetically are set at the end of the article and thus:
Book: author’s last name, author’s first name (year of publication) name of the book in italics, volume number, publication location: publisher’s name.
The well-known names of old authors and the names that appeared on the book cover or title page should be mentioned.
If the author is unknown the title of the book is placed at the beginning and becomes italicized.
If an author has two or more works, the list of their works should be compiled by observing the alphabetical order of the names of the works, and they are distinguished by A, B, etc,.
Bolding or placing the titles of books in quotations is avoided, but the titles of articles and theses are placed in the quotations.
When mentioning the name of the publisher the word “publisher” is not mentioned except for those whose names contain the word.
Translated works: author’s last name, author’s first name (year of publication) name of book in italics, translated, translator’s first and last name, publication location: publisher’s name.
Article: author’s last name, author’s first name (year of publication) name of article in quotes, journal name in italics, journal issue, page number from start to end of article. 
If there are two authors: the first author's last name, the first author's first name, and the other author's first and last name.
If there are more than two authors, it is enough to mention the name of the first author in the text of the article and then the words “et al” come, but in the list of sources the authors' names must be mentioned (last name, first name,… and first name, last name)
Thesis/Dissertation: student’s last name, student’s first name (year) title of master’s and doctoral thesis within quotations, name and surname of supervisor, degree and field of study, university name.
Manuscripts and Documents: Famous name of the author (year of the manuscript) title of the book or the manuscript or photographic version (in italic), mention of the phrase “manuscript”, place of storage, copy number.
About historical documents the following are mentioned: the title of the document, the name of the achieve, the classification number, and access.,
About microfilms, in addition to the book’s specifications, it is also necessary to mention the place of storage and the number of microfilms.
If the author of the manuscript is unknown, the title of the document is placed at the beginning and italicized.
Encyclopedias and collections of articles: author’s last name, author’s first name (year), title of entry or article in quotations, title of encyclopedia and collection of articles in italics, name of administrator or collector or editor, publication location: publisher, volume number, beginning to end pages of the entry or article.
Websites: the author’s last name, author’s first name (year), title of article or post in quotations, the website name in italics, and electronic address.
Latin source (book): the author’s last name, the first letter of author’s first name (year of publication), book title in italics, place of publication: publisher.
Latin source (article): the author’s last name, the first letter of the author’s first name (year of publication), title of the article in quotation, journal name in italics, period, serial number, page number from start to finish.

Track article
If the article is not adjusted by the above general features is returned to the corresponding author for corrections before the initial scientific review.
The corresponding author can track the review process through their page in the journal system as well as through the journal phone number.

Publication fee
if the article is approved by the initial reviewers, for submission to the referee 1000000 Rials and the publication of the article in case of acceptance by referees 3000000 Rials will be charged.