Publication Ethics

The Journal of the History of Literature follows the code of ethics (COPE).
Journals should seek to publish scientific and innovative articles.
Authors and individuals active in the journal must accept and agree to the journal's rules and code of ethics.

Publishing Decisions
Rules of copyright and adaptations of other literary works must be obeyed by the journal and the rights of individuals must be protected at the time of publication.

Fair Decisions on Articles
Decisions on articles at any stage must be made regardless of authors’ race, gender and sexual orientation, religious, ethnic, or political beliefs.

Information Confidentiality
The personal information of the authors of articles for all who have access to them must be kept confidential and protected at any time.

Double-Blind reviewing
to review all manuscripts

Respect for the interests of individuals
using the results of other people's research must be supplemented with reference and written permission of their author.

 Referees' Duties
1- Contributing to decision making
 Referees help the editor-in-chief of the journal with reviewing the article or help the authors through the editorial board to improve the quality of the article.

2- Promptitude
the referees must immediately inform the editor-in-chief about the result of the initial review of the article.

3- Confidentiality of information
all the information in the articles must be considered confidential and be preserved.

4- Review through scientific and explicit evidence

5- Attention to the sources used in the articles
all external sources of information must be fully referenced
in bibliography.

6- Refusal to review articles by which the interests of certain individuals or institutions are obtained.

Authors' Duties

1- Submitting scientific and coherent articles following the standard of journals and refusing to express sensitive or immoral content and inaccurate information.

2- Submitting materials and methods as needed
public access to materials (consistent with the ASPSP-STM) helps improve the work of the articles.

3- Originality of submitted manuscripts
any use of other research must be mentioned in the article.

4- Refusal to simultaneous submission of an article to several journals.

5- Proper reference to all books, journals, websites, and other research in the bibliography.

Mention the corresponding author and co-authors in the article and do not mention irrelevant names.
The corresponding author is the author who has made a major contribution to the preparation of the article and other authors are mentioned as co-authors. Also, all authors have read the article and have agreed to submit it.

Informing about the potential dangers to humans or other living organisms

Mention of financial support

Announcing the existence of fundamental mistakes in the article whenever the author notices any and taking action to correct or retract the article.

Similarity detection softwares including iThenticate & Samimnoor (Persian) are used to distinguish similarities between submitted manuscripts and other published articles.