A Research On Meanings of the Word “Carpet” (farš) in Attâr, Sâe’b and Bidel’s Poems

Document Type : مروری


 This article is going to study different meaning of the word “carpet” (farš) in Attâr-e Neišâbouri, SÂE’B-E TABRIZI and BIDEL-E DEHLAVI’s poems, and wants to answer these two questions: 1- Why among whole of Iranian poets after Islam these three poets are more important than others for this research? 2- How their fields and ages effect their poetry system and word-choosing, individually “Carpet” (farš)? Because of this, from first essay until third one we analyse meaning domain of the word “carpet” (farš) in Sâe’b and Bidel’s poems and explain what was the reason of their attention and their considered meaning of this word and show the word “carpet” (farš) and its different combinical and verbical structures in poem extent help these two poets in bombastic INDIAN STYLE artistic taste and owend various and new meanings. In fourth essay, individually Attâr-e Neišâbouri’s poems is considered in point of view of contrast which he purposely made between the word “heaven” (‘arš) and “carpet” (farš) and gnostic meanings wanted from. An introduction and a preface are entries for main discussion that is discussed in four essays.
