Examining spiritual commitment in the novel "School Principal"

Document Type : مروری


"School Principal" is one of Jalal Al-e-Ahmad's famous novels. This novel was written in the third decade of the last solar century; A decade during which Al-e-Ahmad still has not completely come out of the intellectual atmosphere influenced by the thoughts ruling the intellectual currents of the Tudeh Party. In this novel, one can easily find the traces of the intellectual system of Marxian materialism, which was preached by the "Communist Party of Iran" during Reza Shah's time and the "Tudeh Party" during Pahlavi II's time. The main theme of the novel is that culture (Education and training) in Iran is influenced by economic relationships and opportunities, and the sick economy has caused a cultural disease. In this novel, the economic view guides the author's mind and pen. In his opinion, due to dependent economy, culture has become dependent and ineffective; Everyone's worth is equal to their wealth and consumption, and in this measure, a teacher cannot have dignity; The country's affairs are in the hands of the wealthy, and economic strife dominates social relations; Class conflict being a product of a sick economy, is against social morality. Therefore, this novel goes along with the committed works. In this article, an attempt is made to examine and analyze the commitment of this work to the intellectual system of Marxian materialism.
