Sheikh Abul-Abbas Qassab Amoli

Document Type : مروری


Compared to the eastern and central regions, North of Iran has been the home of only a handful of prominent mystics due to its climatic and social characteristics and the preservation of cultural connections with ancient Iran. Sheikh Abul-Abbas Qassab Amoli is one of the geniuses of Northern Iranian mysticism in the 4th century A.H, whose wisdom is reflected in his sayings. Although the name of the Sheikh's house and monastery gained fame in the 4th century, Abul-Abbas Qassab is mentioned very little and scattered in mystical books, which has made it difficult to know and judge about his condition and thoughts. In this article, by searching in biographies and other mystical works, such as Kashf Al-Mahjub, Tabaqat Al-Sufiya, Asrar al-Tawhid, Tazkirat Al-Awlia, etc., some information has been provided about his name and ancestry, meetings, disciples, special gifts, his words and the connection of the Sheikh with Khosravani wisdom, and in this way, his figure has been introduced to some extent.
