Al-Ghazali and the combination of the Law and the Way based on the Alchemy of Happiness

Document Type : مروری


Fiqh or the Law is one of the important branches of religious sciences that has expanded significantly in the Islamic world. Beside the law, Sufism or mysticism also has a wide scope. The Law's strong emphasis on the exterior and Sufism's insistence on the interior have, in many cases, pitted the two against each other. Thinkers and intelectuals in different eras tried to bring the two together. Among these thinkers, we can mention Abu Nasr as-Serraj, Abu Talib al-Makki, Hujwiri, al-Juwayni, Al-Ghazali, etc. In the meantime, Imam Muhammad Ghazali was the most successful, who by authoring important books such as Revival of Religious Sciences and Alchemy of Happiness, was able to connect the the Law and the Way and prevent them from drifting apart as much as possible. Three reasons can be mentioned for al-Ghazali's success: 1- Ghazali's mastery over religious sciences, especially jurisprudence and mysticism. 2- Ghazali's faith and sincerity. 3- The power of his pen and his writing style. This article aims to investigate the position and method of al-Ghazali in the integration of the Law and the Way, while examining the subject, and explore the factors influencing his success.
