Quatation and Adaptation in the Jame alTawarikh of Rashin Alddin Fazallah Hamedani

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Quotation and adaptation are ways in which the text is artistically characterized, recognizing their true functions, they also reveals other goals in the structure and content of the text. Jame Altawarikh is also a historical text in which the use of quotation and adaptation is considerable. In this research, which has been done through descriptive-analytical method and library and documentary studies, we have tried to analyze and evaluate other goals in addition to discussing the objectives of artistic assurance and adaptation in the context of the comprehensive history. The achievements of this paper suggest that the collision of historical texts with the category of adaptation could include these goals: the function of quoting the subject, repeating the same subject, the impact of the historical material on the type of prose, the use of historical events for the state of the story-spurred to the text. A review of these goals shows that the Jame Altawarikh is neutral against adaptation, and in dealing with the category of quatation, according to the customary tradition, it has a decent reception dynamics


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