The Necessity of Reprinting the Divan of Athir Akhsikati, Edited by Abbas Mahyar

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Assistant professor, Academy of Persian Language and Literature, Tehran, Iran


Athir Akhsikati was a prominent poet of the sixth century AH whose Divan was published firstly in 1958 and afterward in 2019. As well as the mentioned editions' Dr. Abbas Mahyar has edited the Divan for his doctoral thesis. Considering Mahyar’s field of study and the fact that he had dedicated many years of his life to researching and editing this Divan, his edition represents a step forward. But it was as late as 2020 that his edition was published by Homeira Zomorrodi. The present article studies this recent edition of Athir Akhsikati’s Divan and compares it with two other editions. Because of the errors existing in these editions, especially the recent one, the paper concludes that re-editing this Divan seems necessary


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