Since Persian literary historiography is theoretically exiguous, taking after the experiences of advanced countries on this very subject would be a proper first step to take. Though writing memoirs [Tazkirah] is an ingrained tradition in Persian literature, the idea of writing literary histories from critical perspectives is unaccustomed. In Europe however there have been copious attempts, especially in the 1980s, to bridge this theoretical gap and to offer fresh critical frameworks. One of these attempts has been masterfully exerted by the prestigious journal of New Literary History. A statistical analysis of its articles will reveal the dominant approaches and their periods of success or failure. Overall, we may unfalteringly discover a paradigm shift in theoretical discussions in favor of narrative constructivism and new historicism.
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Farahmandfar, M., Shakeri, A. New Approaches to Literary Historiography. Journal of History of Literature, 2019; 12(2): 195-215. doi: 10.48308/hlit.2019.98935