Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar
MA student of Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran
In the mystical tradition, Satan’s Tale has been treated in two different manners. Most of the mystics consider Satan the categorical enemy who has been banished from God’s presence. However, some mystics such as Hallaj, Ahmad Ghazzali and Ein-Alghozat Hamedani commend Satan. They believe in a tragic interpretation of Satan’s Tale and, as a result, they recognize Aristotelian tragic elements in it. The research question of the present study deals with whether Aristotelian tragic elements such as tragic heroism and three-fold unity of time, place and character are recognizable in Satan’s Tale. The present study believes that through analysis of Satan’s characterization, his rise and decline in God’s presence and his banishment from the Paradise Aristotelian tragic elements of tragic heroism and three-fold unity of time, place and characterization are recognizable in the Satan’s Tale. Furthermore, the narrative development of the Tale presents Satan’s faith in a way that makes the readers recognize catharsis and pity and fear. The present study believes that the Aristotelian tragic elements are eminently present in the Satan’s Tale.
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baloo, F. , ahmadi, S. and rezaei charati, M. (2017). An Aristotelian Tragic Reading of Satan’s Tale in the Mystical Tradition. Journal of History of Literature, 9(2), 5-24.
baloo, F. , , ahmadi, S. , and rezaei charati, M. . "An Aristotelian Tragic Reading of Satan’s Tale in the Mystical Tradition", Journal of History of Literature, 9, 2, 2017, 5-24.
baloo, F., ahmadi, S., rezaei charati, M. (2017). 'An Aristotelian Tragic Reading of Satan’s Tale in the Mystical Tradition', Journal of History of Literature, 9(2), pp. 5-24.
F. baloo , S. ahmadi and M. rezaei charati, "An Aristotelian Tragic Reading of Satan’s Tale in the Mystical Tradition," Journal of History of Literature, 9 2 (2017): 5-24,
baloo, F., ahmadi, S., rezaei charati, M. An Aristotelian Tragic Reading of Satan’s Tale in the Mystical Tradition. Journal of History of Literature, 2017; 9(2): 5-24.