An intertextual look at the way of giving advice in the history of Bayhaqi and Masnavi

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Graguated in Persian Langage and Lirearure


The reflection of educational components has been very common in the literature of civilizations. These didactic issues have also been considered in Persian historical texts, which are closely related to the moral teachings of mystics. Although historical texts and mystical texts are two separate literary types, the maturation and formation of these moral components give rise to There are commonalities between these texts, and this article is supposed to address one of these commonalities, namely the method of giving advice.
Among historians, the one who most skillfully expresses the teachings is Abolfazl Beyhaqi, and among mystics, Rumi is the most prominent figure in providing indirect advice. The similarity of the two methods in the narrative structure and the application of the story-by-story technique to express moral teachings, led the author to read the intertextual history of Bayhaqi and the spiritual Masnavi in ​​this research. The authors of these texts seem to have had educational purposes and to have addressed direct and indirect moral advice. In expressing moral themes, there are common tricks between them, which probably also originate from single sources. They seek to express their thoughts by using counseling; Beyhaqi's view embodies the political goals of his history, and Rumi's view draws on his mystical perspective.


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