A Phenomenological Study of Implementing the Curriculum of Literature History in the Second Period of Secondary School

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

3 MA in Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.



The curriculum of literature history has long faced challenges. Teachers have consistently encountered difficulties in teaching the subject, and students often perceive it as dry and monotonous. The aim of this study is a phenomenological exploration of the implementation of the literature history curriculum in high school. This research examines the lived experiences of experienced teachers regarding the challenges of the curriculum, teaching methods, teaching and learning opportunities, and assessment, to provide effective insights for other educators.

Literature Review

According to Fotuhi (2008), “the history of literature is the narrative of literary development and evolution over time, describing the causes and factors of these changes, as well as the interconnection among literary events” (32). The content of the literature history curriculum in the humanities field is no longer independent as it was in the past, but has now been integrated into the new book of literary sciences and techniques. Findings from various studies have confirmed the existence of challenges in the literature history curriculum from past to present. Research by Atrafi et al. (2013), Sadeghi (2015), Ghamari (2016), and Saadzadeh (2017) has demonstrated that the literature history curriculum faces challenges. Saadzadeh (2017) concluded that revisions are necessary for the 10th and 11th grade Persian literature textbooks in certain cases. Rahmanpour and Nili (2014) concluded in their research that while the literature curriculum cultivates desirable abilities in students, the findings indicate that the curriculum poses challenges in terms of content and teaching methods. Zardakhshoui (2019) examined the structure and content of Persian textbooks for the second year of secondary school. Shafaei (2021), in his research, defined the concept of lesson planning, its principles, and strategies for teaching Persian language and literature. Regarding the use of effective teaching methods in the literature course, Sabbaghian (2010), Arjmandi (2008), and Farhangi (2004) have concluded that to alleviate students' concerns about the extensive memorization of materials, the impermanence of content, the monotony of topics, and student passivity, introducing new methods and approaches such as demonstration methods and employing techniques to make the material more tangible in teaching literature history is essential. Reviewing the aforementioned studies indicates that the literature history curriculum faces challenges. Overall, none of the existing studies have employed the phenomenological method. Therefore, in addressing the challenges of the literature history curriculum, this research utilizes phenomenological methodology to explore the experiences of successful literature teachers.


This research was conducted using a qualitative approach and employing phenomenological research method. The participants of this study included all teachers who had more than 10 years of experience in teaching literary history. Sampling was carried out based on purposive method and reached theoretical saturation of the categories. Eleven experienced teachers and educators were selected for interviews, comprising 8 teachers and 3 Persian language and literature professors. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The data were analyzed through open and axial coding using the Strauss and Corbin method. To ensure the validity of the findings, the coding process and assigned codes were reviewed in multiple stages by curriculum specialists and Persian literature experts, and after necessary revisions, they were confirmed. The reliability of findings was ensured through agreement among coders, indicating high consensus among them.


Based on the findings and in response to the first research question, literature teachers' lived experiences regarding the challenges of teaching literary history content encompass three themes: lack of curriculum independence, inadequacies in textbooks and disorganized materials, lack of engagement. Addressing the second research question on teaching methods, literature teachers' experiences include three sub-themes: demonstration-based methods, activity-based methods, and transfer-based methods. Regarding the third research question on teaching and learning opportunities, literature teachers' experiences involve two sub-themes: student activities and teacher activities. Addressing the fourth research question on evaluation, literature teachers' experiences encompass two sub-themes: testing methods and scoring methods. Overall, this study identified four main themes, ten sub-themes, and 66 open codes.


The results of this study indicated that the literature history curriculum faces challenges that literature teachers can address by utilizing the experiences of successful teachers in teaching methods, teaching and learning opportunities, and assessment. The findings of this research can be utilized by curriculum planners, authors, and literature teachers.


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