Novel writing in the 60s

Document Type : مروری


Sixty-six novels were published in Iran in the sixties. From this collection, the theme of sixteen works tells about the direct influence of revolution and war; That is, social, political, cultural, economic issues, the situation of intellectuals, the evolvements and hardships resulting from the revolution and the disasters and values ​​related to the war have been raised. The authors of nineteen novels have taken advantage of the atmosphere created by the revolution to say things that were not easy to express before the revolution, such as: the dangers of freedom, quarrels arising from class conflicts, economic disease, ignorance and deprivations, injustice, murder and Imprisonment and harassment of freedom fighters and issues like this. We consider these influential novels of the revolution. Thirty-one other novels do not have a revolutionary theme, nor do they show usurpation of the atmosphere of the revolution. In other words, special revolutionary motives are not evident in them; Which means they have said things that can be said in most governments. The theme of most of these are social issues and sometimes subtle emotions. We consider these to be unaffected novels of the revolution. In this essay, we mention the names of novels, their themes and authors.
