The Role of Literature in Environmental Discourse Evolutions

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Associate Professor, Department of Literature, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran


Literature is constantly related to and interacts with society and environments, including natural and artificial environments. It not only is affected by discourse changes such as environmental discourse but also plays a crucial role in discourse changes and evolutions. In the present article, in addition to introducing a triadic functional model of literature as cultural ecology, three roles of literature in confronting environmental discourses have been addressed. The three roles include cultural-critical metadiscourse, imaginative counterdiscourse, and reintegrative inter-discourse. In addition, samples of literary works in contemporary literature, including these roles, have been examined and criticized. Based on the results, it can be concluded that literature can be assigned three essential functions using imagination and the creation of possible universes: criticism and reform of the existing environmental discourse, the abrupt replacement of the marginalized or neglected environmental discourse, and interaction and familiarity with various environmental discourses and their reconciliation. These three functions of literature can play a significant role in boldfacing and preventing environmental threats, which are often neglected by a generation because of being gradual


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