پژوهشی در واژه‌های دیوان ذوالفقار شروانی

نوع مقاله : علمی - پژوهشی


1 استادیار گروه فرهنگ‌نویسی، فرهنگستان زبان و ادب فارسی، تهران، ایران

2 دانش‌آموختۀ کارشناسی ارشد زبان‌های باستانی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران.


سید قوام‌الدین حسین بن صدرالدین علی معروف به ذوالفقار شروانی (د: 689ه.ق.) و متخلص به ذوالفقار و قوام از شاعران فصیح فارسی‌گو و از مادحان خوارزمشاهیان و اتابکان لُر و قراختائیانِ کرمان است. با وجود اینکه وی از شاعران توانا و دانشمند ادب فارسی به شمار می‌رود، پژوهشگران چندان به آثار وی توجّهی نشان نداده‌اند چرا که تا امروز چاپی حروفی از دیوان وی در دسترس نیست و چاپ عکسی نسخۀ دیوان وی تنها یک بار در 1934م. منتشر شده است. با بررسی دیوان وی درمی‌یابیم که تعداد قابل توجّهی واژۀ بسیط یا بسیط‌گونه که در فرهنگ‌های رایج فارسی مدخل نشده است و یا شواهد چندانی در متون فارسی ندارد در اشعار وی به کار رفته است. وجود این لغات در دیوان ذوالفقار شروانی می‌تواند ناشی از گویش ذوالفقار شروانی باشد. پژوهش حاضر که از روش کتابخانه‌ای بهره برده است کوششی است برای خوانش صحیح دیوان ذوالفقار شروانی و بحث دربارۀ لغات نادرِ اشعار وی. در این پژوهش با مراجعه به پیکره‌های زبانی و فرهنگ‌های متداول فارسی، دربارۀ این لغات صحبت شده است تا راه برای افزودن این لغات و شواهد به فرهنگ‌های فارسی و نیز تصحیح انتقادی و شرح این دیوان در آینده هموار شود. همچنین نویسندگان مقالۀ حاضر با بررسی دقیق دیوان ذوالفقار شروانی، نکاتی را دربارۀ زندگی وی یافته‌اند که از دید تذکره‌نویسان و پژوهشگران پیشین پنهان مانده است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

A Lexical Study of Diwan-e Zulfaqar Sharwani

نویسندگان [English]

  • Ahmad Behnami 1
  • Kaveh Bayani 2
1 Assistant Professor, Lexicography Department, Academy of Persian Language and Literature
2 MA in Ancient Languages, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]


Diwan-e Zulfaqar Sharwani demands special attention and research from various perspectives, due to its antiquity as well as the remarkable mastery of its author in poetic devices. However, it has not yet received serious examination in literary studies, evidently because there has been no printed version available. Among its many remarkable features is the inclusion of some rare words that cannot be found in other Persian manuscripts, or have not been listed in common Persian dictionaries, or if listed, are presented with no reliable evidence. The authors of this article aim to investigate these unexplored words.

Literature Review

In 1934, a facsimile edition of Diwan-e Zulfaqar Sharwani was published in London by Edward Edwards. This collection has not been extensively studied in literary and linguistic research, since there has not been any letterpress printed edition of it, and even the facsimile version had not been easily accessible until very recently. Published articles about Zulfaqar Sharwani include an entry under his name in the Encyclopedia of the World of Islam (Moravveji, 2019) and “Majd-i Hamgar’s Name in Diwan-e Zulfaqar Sharwani” (Safari Aqqaleh, 2008). In the article “Thematization with Some Jewels in the Poetry of Azerbaijani Style” (Radfar and Esmaeili Tazekandi, 2011), the poetry of Zulfaqar Sharwani is examined from this thematic perspective. Additionally, Idgah Torghabei references some verses of Zulfaqar Sharwani in some of his works, such as the article “Pronunciation of Several Words in the Shahnameh” (2011).


This article utilized library research methods. Having examined Diwan-e Zulfaqar Sharwani, words that were either absent or listed without evidence in the Dehkhoda Dictionary were identified and subsequently searched in available text corpora such as the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, Ganjoor and Noormagz websites, and Noor Digital Library to find reliable explanations for their meanings.


The Diwan-e Zulfaqar Sharwani is estimated to contain slightly more than ten thousand couplets. Most of Zulfaqar's poetry is in the form of qasida, demonstrating the author’s mastery of composition; there are also numerous quatrains and ghazals in his collection. Zulfaqar extensively employs poetic imagery constructed with musical terms and concepts, indicating that he had a deeper understanding of music than a typical superficial acquaintance. Furthermore, the names of Iranian kings and pahlevans (champions) frequently appear throughout the work. Moreover, astronomical and astrological terminology plays a significant role in the poet’s imagery, suggesting his profound knowledge of these fields and possible education during his youth. His Diwan and poems also reveal the substantial influence of ancient pharmacology and medicine. Furthermore, Zulfaqar Sharwani also refers to numerous poets and writers preceding him such as Anwari, Azraqi, Am’aq, Sabir Termedhi, Onsori, Al-Ma’arri, Al-Farazdaq, Athir, and Falaki, and also mentions the works of people like Ibn Sina. He also speaks of Ferdowsi with great respect, acknowledging his influence on himself and considering him a mentor, believing Ferdowsi’s soul to be resting in eternal peace.
In Diwan-e Zulfaqar Sharwani, we encounter both simple and complex words that are not found in other texts and are not recorded in dictionaries. A number of these words may be considered dialectal variants which were not used in formal Persian; however, some of these words may have entered the Diwan due to the influence of the scribe’s dialect rather than the poet’s. A few examples of these rare words include âxora (آخُره), angâm (انگام), ēlvâra (ایلواره), târâ (تارا), and dastvenǰan (دستونجن).


Diwan-e Zulfaqar Sharwani, an eloquent poet of the seventh century, is a comprehensive collection that, in addition to its literary and historical values, contains many rare and unique words. This article lists some of these words, emphasizing the necessity for Diwan-e Zulfaqar Sharwani to be printed with a critical and scholarly perspective, serving as a source of vocabulary for literary corpora.


The authors express their utmost gratitude to Professor Ali Ashraf Sadeghi and other honorable members and officials at the Academy of Persian Language and Literature for providing access to most of the resources used in this article, without which this research could not have been possible.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Zulfaqar Sharwani
  • Persian poetry in the seventh century (AH)
  • lexicography
  • word study
  • ode (qasida)
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